ULPI port
ulpi_port module is a bridge between IP modules with UTMI interface and ULPI PHYs.
ulpi_port.vhdl (updated 19 Feb 2016)
One of the design goals was to have a module which does not need a CPU for configuration.
ulpi_port can be used either for USB devices or for USB hosts with UTMI interface.
For hosts there are utmi_host_datapd and utmi_drv_vbus signals:
utmi_hosts_datapd is for enabling data lines pull-down resisters,
utmi_drv_vbus configures phy for driving USB power lines.
ulpi_port assumes that PHY goes out of reset at the same time as ulpi_port clock starts and that it's enough for PHY to have 32 clock cycles for finishing it's internal initialization sequence and to be ready to accept commands and data
This page was last modified on 7 Feb 2019