If you are going to build kde2 on recent platform with recent development tools
such as gcc3 or gcc4 expect to have some showstoppers. This page will try to ease
you from inevitable problems. At least from some of them.
First of all you need get suitable version of Qt. Grab qt-2.2.3, it will be OK.
With gcc3 it can be compiled out of the box without any apparent problems.
They will show themself when you will compile kde. With gcc4 you will stumble across compile problems right
from the beginning. To get around them use following patches. qt-2.2.3-template.fix.patch qt-2.2.3-template.fix2.patch
If you don't know what to do with patches, thats simple, just apply them to sources by patch program, e.g.:
copy patch qt-2.2.3-template.fix.patch to the folder with qt sources
make that directory current
execute following command
patch -p1 < qt-2.2.3-template.fix.patch
any other patches can be applied likewise.
After compiling Qt get into compiling KDE itself. Most probably you will need to
compile kdelibs. I just don't believe one can get away without them :)
So get kdelibs-2.2.2. It does not matter whether you use gcc3 or gcc4 you will get compile
errors. Just use these patches: kdelibs-2.2.2.arts.fix.patch kdelibs-2.2.2.kjs.fix.patch
I couldn't get clean compiles with gcc4 yet. But with gcc3 kdelibs were built perfectly.
17-Jun-2007 On Fedora 7 kdelibs compiling is just fine (after applying all
That's all for now, if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to contact me.