Pingvo is an X/Qt based browser for simple XML dictionaries.
Good dictionaries can be build using ABBY Lingvo and a special extraction program.
This extraction program will simulate user activity, intercept text output and write
a dictionary. This process can take a significant amount of time (about 1 day
on P4 based system).
29-May-2003 A tool muller2xml was written. It can convert muller7.dwa
dictionary from Slowo to XML format used by pingvo. Transcriptions are now
being rendered with Lingvo fonts converted by fnt2bdf from wine (correct
installation of these fonts is a bit tricky, but can be done after some
experiments). 10-Aug-2003 Version 1.3 released. Following things were changed:
configuration dialog added, dictionaries loading/unloading now goes
in separate thread. 01-May-2005 Version 2.0 released. This version contains significant
improvements, such as: sound support (sound files archive from ABBY Lingvo
can be used, e.g. SoundE.dat), DSL dictionaries from ABBY can be used
(they still need to be extracted with a special program). 13-Apr-2009 Version 2.1 released. This is a port to Qt4. Added
transcriptions font loading for linux. Fixed a crash on exit if XRECORD
extension is not available. Added a file. Made other small fixes. 14-Apr-2009 Version 2.2 released. Fixed crashes and minor UI glitches
when dictionaries listed in config are not available. 21-May-2009 Relase of version 2.3. It's a maintanance release which contains almost invisible fixes.