FPGA Notes

Some notes on Microblaze system design.
Notes on starting linux in OpenRISC SoC.

My VHDL modules:
ulpi_port - USB ULPI-UTMI signals converter
rmii_port - Ethernet RMII-MII signals converter
dualport_bram.vhdl - dual port RAM module with byte selects for writes
bram2_wb.vhdl - WishBone wrapper for dual port RAM module

17-Mar-2014 I've patched xvcd daemon a bit so it can be compiled with recent libftdi versions (which don't have ftdi_write_data_async function, now xvcd requires ftdi_write_data_submit to be present).

9-Jun-2015 New project: trying out OV7670 sensor board.

23-Apr-2016 Added some notes about OpenRISC

29-Oct-2019 Here are Artix-7 (a35t) files for programming SPI flash with xc3sprog:
bscan_xc7_spi.vhd - VHDL source. It's the most generic version which should work on any board with any Artix-7 chip,
xc7a35t_ftg256.xdc - Vivado constrains. Pin locations are specific for xc7a35t chip in ftg256 package,
bscan_a35t_ftg256_spi.bit - bitstream produced from above source files;

16-Dec-2019 The same thing as above for xc7a100t in fgg676 package:

This page was last modified on 16 Dec 2019